Friday, October 14, 2011

Activity 16 – Probabilistic Classification

In this activity, 2 classes from Activity 15 were used, 5 peso coin and cards and a new classification technique was used. The technique is quite tricky but with the help of TJ Abregana, I finally understand how it works. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is used for linearly separable groups thus these groups can be separated by linear combination of features that describe an object. The formula for LDA is given by:


where λjk is the loss from the wrong decision,p(ωk|x) is the probability that a pattern x came from the class ωk and rk is the risk of loss associated with class ωk.

From this classification technique, five out of five test subjects of both cards and 5 peso coin where classified to their proper classes. I guess LDA is a more precise technique in classifying features of one object since it factors a loss from a wrong decision made.

2 more activities and I’m done. I will be giving myself a grade of 9.2 for this activity. Sorry for the late submission of this blog.

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